Modern-day Bilam: How Obama Tried to Destroy Israel Only to End up Hurting its Enemies
You may remember that one of the first things Obama did after getting elected was set out on a tour of the Muslim world to (in his words) “to communicate that Americans are not (the enemies of the Muslim world) and mend relations that had been “severely damaged” under President Bush.
I’m an Israeli Jew and I’ll be Voting Trump for President Come Nov. 8th
Eight years of Obama’s presidency have succeeded in dividing the American public. American Jews, perhaps more than any other ethnic/religious group, have had a number their most cherished beliefs shaken as a result of an administration they helped elect pandering to Islamist, anti-Israel interests. Despite all of Obama’s shortcomings, American Jews will once again vote Democrat in ’16. As a free, self-thinking Jew, I refuse to follow the sheeple.
The Day After: Bibi Doing Away with Election Promises
It’s taken less than a month for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scrap at least three election promises.
Will 2015 be the Second Time an American President Forces Netanyahu out of Office?
Benjamin Netanyahu, a brilliant MIT-educated diplomat who served as a commander in the elite Sayeret Matkal IDF unit, speaks excellent English and has earned the privilege to lead a nation…