Life-A Self Reflection
What’s life if not a test of will and what’s will if not a test of life?
However much we fight,
However much we try to do what’s right,
It seems like we end up either striking that sacred spring,
And other times not,
But if we persevere, it’s worth the effort still,
However, till that day I rise above the background noise I will–
Always do my utmost, try my hardest,
And if I’m to come out on top,
It’s not because I was the best or smartest,
Just regular ol’ me,
But they will write that I was true,
To those who helped along the way,
To those many, perhaps few,
Who saw a beacon of hope upon my face,
Who wanted to yell and scream,
But who embraced,
What was and what will be,
What has become of me.