Either Arabs will have equal rights and Israel will be 100% PC or Jews will live in security–Not both

Courtesy: http://www.truthrevolt.org
Six days ago, an Israeli Arab staged a terrorist attack in the heart of Tel-Aviv. He murdered two Israelis and wounded an additional seven. It’s being reported he also killed the Arab taxi driver who drove him from the scene of the attack and entered the West Bank through a hole in the security fence.
Since the founding of the State of Israel, Israeli Arabs have benefited from equal rights. Not only that, but they tend to be on the receiving end of preferential treatment when it comes to university education, welfare, and building permits.
You won’t see a mosque constructed on Israeli land destroyed by the IDF, while just a few months ago, a synagogue in Givat Ze’ev was transported to an alternate location due to “Palestinian” claims supported by Jewish anti-Semitic NGO’s such as Breaking the Silence and Peace Now that it was built on land owned by “Palestinians.” (What does it mean that land Israel liberated in the Six-Day War is “owned” by “Palestinians?” What historical/religious/political claims can they make in the midst of a wave of terrorist attacks? Would Europe allow local Muslims to allocate chunks of land for themselves?)
But what value is there to bending over backwards so that Israeli Arabs have it better here than anywhere else in the world including Europe and the U.S. when Israeli Jews end up suffering as a direct consequence of our (misplaced) kindness?!
Israel has had numerous opportunities to transfer Israeli Arabs from Israel and annex Judea, Samaria and Gaza, ensuring a more secure future. There’s no logical reason this should not be done. The only objection is on ethical grounds (I no longer buy the argument that it’s politically implausible), but in my opinion, our peace of mind has to be placed ahead of the well-being of Israeli Arabs. Kicking Arabs out of their homes may not be “nice” or “easy,” but it’s the only way to ensure our security and put an end to “Palestinian” terrorism.
Even the most right wing governments have failed their constituents, pandering to the world community and Israeli Arabs to bolster their political support and perpetuate an image of Israel as a “politically-correct” society where everyone is treated equally.
Israel can either allow local Arabs to lead quality lives and pursue the same benefits as the Jews or it can make things tough for them, prompting them to flee to Europe, America, and in some cases, the Arab world. We can turn a blind eye on evil, or see it for what it’s worth and handle it accordingly. What we can’t do is go out of our way to make things good for them here and feel safe at the same time. Continued violence at the hands of the very Israeli Arabs who profit most from Israel’s affirmative action has proven that the two cannot exist side-by-side. If it were dependent entirely on us, we could provide them these benefits and live safely at the same time. It’s not.
I don’t agree that “Arabs cannot be trusted” and “You can’t turn your back to an Arab.” Too many things have happened to make me question such epithets. If Israel’s government is ever forced into carrying out a population transfer, however, (it won’t happen unless there’s a popular “uprising” in the Arab sector that gains wide traction and even then, it’s doubtful since we, Jews, have a way of hurting our own interests) it will have more to do with guaranteeing Jews can lead normal lifestyles in their historical homeland than how we view Arabs. It doesn’t matter if they’re “good” or “bad.” What matters is which course of action is best for us–individuals who’ve risked their lives and, in many cases, compromised their financial well-being to return to their Land. And of course, those Arabs who’ve proven their loyalty to Israel not only in word but in deed should by all means be allowed to stay.