Reactionary Right hurting own interests in protests over interrogation of Duma suspects
Let me preface by saying I don’t have the answers and don’t know if the Jewish terror suspects were responsible for the Duma attack. I believe this is only a…

Netanyahu’s snub of Donald Trump, Inability to stand up to American administration sign of wider issues
While GOP primary front runner Donald Trump‘s ideas haven’t been well-received by a large portion of the American public, the fact that Trump continues increasing his lead in the polls indicates…

In Memory of my Beloved Grandmother Elga bat Chana, my First and Best Friend
The story of the first 33 and a half years of my life is the story of my grandmother, Elga Abramovna Divinsky. She was my first and best friend. The…

Top Stories from 2015
Happy New Year’s, free world! Let’s make 2016 better than 2015–maybe that includes a few actual victories over ISIS, a Republican in the White House (yes, I’ll take Trump over Hillary any day of the week), the demise of both Russia and Turkey, and who knows–maybe a few Bulls championships in the coming decade…

The Use–and misuse of Grammar in today’s world
In today’s world, there are a lot of rather unusual ways English grammar comes to the forefront of everyday life. Take the rap industry for example. They’ve come up with…

Top 5 Tips for Keeping a Job
After months of searching, you’ve finally been hired for that “dream” job. Now, the only thing left to do is actually keep it for an extended period of time. A…

There’s no “bad” in the world (based on the teachings of Rav Nachman)
If we believe in G-d, we believe that: Everything comes from Him and G-d is all-good and all-merciful. While these basic principles of faith originated with the Jews, they aren’t…

Why the “Palestinians” will never agree to Peace
Since the inception of the “Land for Peace” initiative following the Six-Day War, Israel has made two official offers (there have likely been a few dozen discrete attempts) to create a…