Top 10 Places to Visit and Love in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem

Top 10 Places to Visit and Love in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem
For most American tourists visiting Israel, frequenting our distant shores can be synonymous to a 7 year-old stepping into a candy shop. There’s just too much of a good thing to go around… So where do you go if you’re a hard-working businessman with little time on your hands to make the most of your Holy Land experience? We’ve come up with a list of the top 10 places to visit in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel’s top two tourist attractions.

Ranking the GOP Primary Candidates on Israel

Ranking the GOP Primary Candidates on Israel
US Senator Marco Antonio Rubio meets PM Netanyahu. Courtesy: The upcoming GOP Primaries are of great importance since the Republican candidate has a good chance of defeating Hillary Clinton in the general elections. While every American election is important, I feel this one carries special significance. There is an especially wide gap in world views and major issues across the ...

Does Zionism Equal Judaism?

Does Zionism Equal Judaism?
U.S. army chaplain Rabbi Abraham Klausner speaks at the first post-war Zionist conference in Munich. Courtesy: Is Zionism part and parcel of Judaism? This question has been argued for more than a century with no conclusive answer in sight. I'd suggest there is no clear answer; that there are so many definitions of both 'Judaism' and 'Zionism' (some perhaps ...

Reactionary Right hurting own interests in protests over interrogation of Duma suspects

Reactionary Right hurting own interests in protests over interrogation of Duma suspects
Let me preface by saying I don't have the answers and don't know if the Jewish terror suspects were responsible for the Duma attack. I Courtesy: believe this is only a small part of a bigger issue, however, that issue being that the extreme Right's victim mentality, political nearsightedness, and reactionary response to any perceived threat is hurting everyone--and giving the ...

Netanyahu’s snub of Donald Trump, Inability to stand up to American administration sign of wider issues

Netanyahu’s snub of Donald Trump, Inability to stand up to American administration sign of wider issues
Courtesy: While GOP primary front runner Donald Trump's ideas haven't been well-received by a large portion of the American public, the fact that Trump continues increasing his lead in the polls indicates there's more than just 'bite' to what he's saying. The American public is tired of Hispanic illegals bringing crime, values largely viewed as 'anti-American' and generation upon generation of ...

The Use–and misuse of Grammar in today’s world

The Use–and misuse of Grammar in today’s world
Courtesy: In today’s world, there are a lot of rather unusual ways English grammar comes to the forefront of everyday life. Take the rap industry for example. They’ve come up with what may be labeled a new language altogether. Terms that don’t exactly appeal to the best senses of say—a Harvard law professor have become commonplace in this industry.  Endearing ...

Top 5 Tips for Keeping a Job

Top 5 Tips for Keeping a Job
After months of searching, you've finally been hired for that 'dream' job. Now, the only thing left to do is actually keep it for an extended period of time. Courtesy: A company recruiter comparing a resume with 10 jobs over a three-year period with one featuring just two or three quality positions over a 10 year span has a pretty ...

There’s no “bad” in the world (based on the teachings of Rav Nachman)

There’s no “bad” in the world (based on the teachings of Rav Nachman)
If we believe in G-d, we believe that: Courtesy: Everything comes from Him and G-d is all-good and all-merciful. While these basic principles of faith originated with the Jews, they aren't unique to Judaism. Christians and Muslims conform to these very monotheistic concepts. They're part and parcel of belief in One G-d. The Chassidic masters beginning with the Arizal and continuing with Rav ...

על מחרימינו.

על מחרימינו.
כשרועמים התותחים, 'המוזות' לא נחות. להן פי מאה החצים, פי אלף קורבנות. עוצמת קשתו של קופידון - קלע עלוב נגדן. לא אהבה תוליד המון עם צמא לחורבן. להן יש שם, להן יש קול שמהדהד בלב. הו טף, אל תוולד, אבוי, לטרף העורב! ואם היית ביש מזל - השכל לשרוד עכשיו, כי לא נולד עוד טרף קל שירחמו עליו. גם הנוצה שבידך תעוף למרחקים, גם לכאב שבלבך ישנם, ישנם בוכים! כשרועמים התותחים לא יסתירך הצל. אתה - מושיע ההורים, קולך הוא ישראל. .

Top 5 Things I miss about Chicago/Top 10 I Enjoy in Israel

Top 5 Things I miss about Chicago/Top 10 I Enjoy in Israel
I guess the title sums it up pretty well, so without further ado, here are my 5 favorite things about my hometown of Chicago where I grew up, and my top 10 when it comes to Israel, my historic homeland; a place I dreamed of growing up and was privileged enough to move to at the age of 19. Where ...

Out of Work? Here’s Some Practical Advice for Dealing with Long Stretches of Unemployment

Out of Work? Here’s Some Practical Advice for Dealing with Long Stretches of Unemployment
Jobs aren't always easy to come by and even harder to hold on to in today's hyper-competitive work force. I know it--and you probably know it too. Pic: While I'm fluent in three languages, have a BA along with superb content and marketing writing ability, and am working on my third book, (here's a link to my 1st one in ...

Modern Psychology/Psychiatry: Stealing Your Money in Broad Daylight

Modern Psychology/Psychiatry: Stealing Your Money in Broad Daylight
Picture: What prompted me to pen an article with such a seemingly-absurd title? Well, based on my own life experience and trends I've begun noticing lately, I'm convinced there is absolutely no need for the profession of psychiatry/psychology; that these people are, in fact, out to make quick profit from your suffering. Let me explain. Prior to Freud, there was ...

Elul and Lessons in Spirituality

Elul and Lessons in Spirituality
The holy month of Elul is upon us once again. The Chassidic masters taught that this is the month when the Gates of Heaven are open to our prayers more than any other time of year, and we have the capacity to bring down blessings of peace and plentitude into the Lower Worlds. This is the month of t'shuva--correction of ...

Black Lives Matter and BDS: Exploited and Blind

Black Lives Matter and BDS: Exploited and Blind
In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement formally allying itself with the BDS Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign, there has been an attempt on the part of Zionist activist Chloe Simone Valdary and African American reverend Dumisani Washington to remind people of the deep connection between the African American civil rights movement in the U.S. and the Jewish people's ...

Black Lives the ONLY ones that Matter, Fahrenheit 451, and White House Hypocrisy

Black Lives the ONLY ones that Matter, Fahrenheit 451, and White House Hypocrisy
Picture: The Black Lives Matter campaign has gained traction in the U.S. for the obvious reasons that everything crude and corrupt has been superficially transplanted into standard and good, and a new age of political correctness in the name of self-serving political interests is well upon us. This age recently witnessed the approval of the same-sex marriage law by the Supreme ...

Time for Israel to Openly Support the Kurds, Distance Itself from Turkey

Time for Israel to Openly Support the Kurds, Distance Itself from Turkey
As Turkey continues another genocidal campaign--this time against the Iraqi Kurds and the U.S. government abandons them in favor of a Picture: stronger, more important ally in its fight on ISIS, Israel must take a stand and tell the world it will not--cannot condone the massacre of the only other group in the Middle East that's taken an unequivocal position ...

Guest Post on Gay Pride Parade Attack in Jerusalem

Guest Post on Gay Pride Parade Attack in Jerusalem
  Courtesy: The following is commentary on the Gay Pride attack that took place in Jerusalem last week. It was written by my friend, Peter Wyetzner. While I happen to diametrically oppose the views expressed below, I believe it's imperative of every open-minded individual to have the capacity to listen to others whom they may not agree with, but who don't cross any red ...

Why they hate us: Anti-Semitism Explained

Why they hate us: Anti-Semitism Explained
Courtesy: The Jewish people have been persecuted since the dawn of mankind. When Abraham, the first Jew, sets out on his quest to reveal the true G-d and rid the world of idol-worship, we're told of how the evil ruler Nimrod throws him in a burning furnace. While Abraham comes out unscathed, persecution at the hands of the local ...

Dealing with and Overcoming Internet Addiction

Dealing with and Overcoming Internet Addiction
So I set out to research this new, mostly-unexplored phenomenon and discovered a world hereto unknown to me. Keep the following two points in mind while reading this: 1) If an activity doesn't help you progress on a personal/career level, there's no reason for engaging in it. 2) If you know that you have a short attention span and get carried away with destructive activities, that, may be in itself reason enough to at limit Internet consumption.
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